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Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024





Pres.: Elaine Hammer

V. Pres.: Sally Myers

Secretary: Marcy Seible

Treasurer: Mary Sand

Pastor Erika Breddin

Andrea Boose

Blake Halverson

Lori Miller

Betty Spence

Tina Varney


Absent: Blake Halverson


Call to Order: Elaine Hammer at 9:01 a.m.


Devotions: Sally Myers


Approval of Minutes:

  • Motion to Approve: Sally Myers

  • Seconded: Lori Miller

  • Motion passed.


Approval of Treasurer’s  Report:

  • Motion to Approve: Lori Miller

  • Seconded: Sally Myers

  • Motion passed.


Committee Reports:


  1. Old Business

    1. Sanctuary Televisions:

      1. Tina reported that these have helped us cut down on the number of bulletins printed each week. One suggestion was to provide an “order of service” sheet in place of a full bulletin. Pastor noted that we could include the order of service on S.A.L.T. or just print the readings. We will take time to see how the televisions work out before making any changes. Tina also noted that the time needed to create the Sunday PowerPoints has decreased.

    2. Annual Report/Meeting:

      1. Meeting was short and everything was voted through.

    3. Souper Bowl of Caring:

      1. Sunday, Feb. 11 after 11:00 a.m. service. Pastor suggested that we consider using rolling carts from the kitchen to help people bring food into the building.

  2. New Business

    1. New Council Members: 

      1. Welcome to Blake Halverson and Andrea Boose who are joining.

      2. Tina was nominated to the council by Russ Betts after the church annual meeting.

        1. Motion to add Tina: Lori Miller

        2. Seconded: Sally Myers

      3. Elaine nominated be President

      4. Sally nominated as Vice President

      5. Marcy will continue as Secretary

    2. Bookroom:

      1. The room is ready for use and the council decided it could be left unlocked to provide better access. It will be used for the RIC meetings.

    3. Easter Lilies:

      1. Tina has provided the florist with an estimate of about 12 plants.

  3. Property:

    1. Dan Varney Report:

      1. All items that were in the bookroom have been sold. We received $35.00 for both the stove and dryer, and the desk sold for $20.00. The money was donated to the church.

    2. Joel Shepherd Report on the Boiler:

      1. He has ordered the pumps and is getting bids on a welder to come in and make the repairs. When the weather warms up, he will be here with the welder. This will take about a week to prepare for/complete.

  4. Outreach/Fellowship:

    1. Grief Support Group:

      1. This is scheduled for Feb. 18 after worship. Victoria Shepherd will gather with those who are interested.

    2. Reconciling in Christ (RIC):

      1. Marcy shared information about the first date, topic, and meeting location: Saturday, Feb. 17 from 9-10:30 a.m.


  1. WELCA:

    1. No report.


  1. Worship Committee:

    1. Lenten Services: Zion and St. Ansgar will share joint services. Zion will hold the first three (includes Ash Wednesday) and St. Ansgar the next three (includes Maundy Thursday). Each church will have separate Easter services.

    2. Joint Church Council Meetings:

      1. Ross Jones sent a proposed date for a meeting: Monday, Feb 26 at 6-8 p.m. We are still considering locations.

      2. The purpose will be to discuss why we’re together and to create a plan for who would be good to have on the committee. Pastor will lead the first meeting and then excuse herself once the structure is established.

      3. Synod representatives did say there are resources available for these conversations. We can have an individual from the synod or a retired pastor who might sit in as a neutral third part.


  1. Children & Youth:

    1. No report.

  2. Pastor’s Report:

    1. Loose change in the offering plate will be donated to that month’s mission cross.

    2. Zion:

      1. Six Corners Update – Waterloo is considering turning that into a 6-spoke roundabout. If that happens, it may be 1-2 years before any ground-breaking will occur.

  3. Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m.

  4. Next Meeting:  Saturday, March 16 2024.


Council minutes respectfully submitted by Marcy Seible.     


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