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Council Meeting July 7, 2024


Call to order at 1123 by Elaine Hammer

Devotions: Tina led prayer for the week

Approval of June minutes: Lori motion to approve, Tina seconded. Conversation and question about previous minutes and splitting up treasurer tasks, and where that stemmed from and what we are doing about that. Clarification on when we are doing the summer sing along – still being determined. Report from Elaine, still waiting on response from Mary at Trinity Lutheran regarding being in contact with each other’s congregations.

Jo Kaune raised the question regarding emailing out the agenda to members as it goes out to the council so the members are informed of what we are talking about or what we are planning so they can ask questions. Minutes will be provided on credenza as soon as they are available.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Sally motion to approve May and June report; Blake 2nd and all were in favor

NEW BUSINESS: needed variance for speakers for Park Permit, waterloo waived any fees – all is taken care of

LGBTQ statement: Questions from members of congregation present led to discussion: if it’s an addition to mission statement, or if it’s a welcoming statement to pair with the mission statement? Does the current draft statement have too many labels with too many categories? Why did we order pride flags without discussing with members, why did we discuss publishing a statement to the public? Pastor said why didn’t anyone come and chat with Marcy and come to offer input and questions. There was just some confusion between the mission statement and welcome statement. Can we reset and make sure we have a Mission statement, Vison statement, and Welcome statement?  A lot of confrontation on why we are listing out so many personal categories and not just making it a short but sweet welcome statement. We shouldn’t be in subcategories of humanity. Perhaps Marcey and Marla can get together and rework some verbiage.

“Each to be their unique and authentic self, we affirm human dignity. We gratefully accept God’s love and share his healing with everyone.” ~ Marla

PRINTER: A new printer is here, 3 months ink, along with 300 sheets - free through HP, $19.99 after 3 months when ink gets low. @$168.00 for the full set of ink if purchased separately. We are going to wait and see how much ink we are using, and if the subscription is worth continuing.

TREASURER: keep looking and asking who we can get. Mary will stay until we can find someone.

USHERS: need to ask more people to do it so that same individuals are doing ‘all the time’ and getting tired

HASTING MUTUAL INSURANCE: We received a cancellation notice of our church insurance. Sinnott Agency will help find replacement, after required 60 day waiting period.

FALL FESTIVAL: Desire to do but need to talk with congregation 2 weeks from now on getting more involvement from the members on whether we can or can’t have it. If they aren’t going to help out, we can’t have it. Andrea can still cover all the food, but we have to have help with raffles, running the pay table, assisting downstairs with craft vendors, etc.


WATERLOO BUCKS GAME: Friday the 19th of July, 10 tickets for St Ansgar already purchased, tickets available at will-call,

Pastor talked about doing baptism for Dekari along with welcoming him into membership. Short confirmation process based on several conversations.

May have council meet via email to discuss some things since August will be an off month for meeting.

The September meeting will be September 10th, Tuesday at 6pm/1800 at the church.

Meeting adjourned at 1:12, 1312.

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